Student Opinion on the Dress Code

Isabelle A., Editor

There are many differing opinions regarding the dress code at BT. So, I created a poll for the high school student body to gather their thoughts.

When asked, “Do you believe that BT should be more lenient with the dress code?” 84.4% did while only 9.9% did not. The rest stated that they believe it should be more lenient on dress-down days. One humorous person remarked, “If they were, it wouldn’t be as fun to break it.”

Concerning the question, “Do you like having uniforms at BT?” the answers were more surprising. 55.3% said yes, 31.2% said no, and the rest remained indifferent.

For the question, “Do you think BT students should be able to wear sweatshirts without the BT logo?” the general consensus was for it at 83.6% with only 8.6% against it. Some expressed that plain sweatshirts or ones with a small logo should be allowed.

Despite the many complaints heard about the kippah policy, 74.6% of people said wearing a kippah should be necessary for boys while 20.3% disagreed. Others were unconcerned about the matter.

However, considering skirt length, only 24.8% agreed with BT’s policies and 52.6% disagreed. The remaining 22.6% either didn’t care or believed the policy should be more lenient. To specify, most people meant “lenient” by shortening the skirt length requirements but keeping them in place so they are not immodest.

Next, I asked some open questions.

To the question, “What changes do you think BT should make regarding the dress code?” there were a variety of different answers.

The most common ones were that we should abolish uniforms but have a dress code in place regarding regular clothing. Also, a wider variety of shoes should be allowed like crocs and slippers. Some students said jeans should be allowed and sweatpants should be allowed beneath skirts. There were many complaints about the pricing of uniforms as well. There were ideas to get rid of the logo on polos or not require BT sweatshirts because they are expensive.

In addition, thoughts were that jackets should be allowed because the sweatshirts are not enough when the building is cold. Moreover, people believed that students should be able to color their hair and have piercings. Many of the other answers had the overall idea that students should be given the ability to express themselves.

Contrary to these points, there were still many replies that thought the dress code was fine and did not need changes. Some even voiced that it should be more regularly enforced than it currently is.

Lastly, I asked the question “What purpose do you think the dress code plays at BT?”

The repeated responses were that it upholds a sense of community and unites us as a school.  It adds professionalism and organization, making everyone look more put together and properly represent BT.  Of course, there were also comments about it promoting modesty.  Others spoke about how it gives the appearance of financial equality among students.  With everyone dressing in the same clothing, it makes financial status less obvious.

No change would satisfy every student, however, there are some issues with a clear majority vote. For instance, almost everyone agreed that non-BT sweatshirts should be allowed and that dress code should be more lenient. In summary, the opinions of students vary greatly, ranging from the full support of the dress code to complete abolition of it.