Mental Health Maintenance

In continuing the conversation about mental health, we need to ensure that we check in with our own minds.

Mental Health Maintenance

Abigail H., Managing Editor

In continuing the conversation about mental health, we need to ensure that we check in with our own minds. Just like physical health, mental health maintenance is vital to EVERYONE, not just those who struggle with mental illness. Here are 10 ways you can make sure you’re taking good care of it!

  1. Make sure you are eating and drinking sufficiently, 3 meals are ideal.
  2. Go outside at least once a day and get some fresh air! It may sound cliché, but nature truly has healing properties.
  3. Reflect in some way; whether that be journaling or taking some time to really think. Checking in with yourself is equally important as checking in with your friends and loved ones. 
  4. Declutter. A messy room often reflects a messy mind, it can be quite therapeutic to straighten up, any amount counts.
  5. Spend some time alone. Our social batteries can run low without us noticing. Taking some time to watch Netflix or recharging in some way can make a world of a difference.
  6. Make a change. This can mean cutting your hair, painting your nails, or even redecorating your room. These small changes can significantly elevate your mindset.
  7. Write notes to your friends. Gratitude fuels the soul. Yes, your friends probably know that you love them, but, expressing it to them in writing feels incredibly genuine.
  8. Are you sleeping enough? If not, explore why. Sleep is the key to optimal function and a lack of it can interfere with maintaining good mental health.
  9. Listen to music. It has been proven that upbeat music of most any genre (anywhere from pop to rock n roll) can improve mood and decrease depressive symptoms!
  10. Give someone a hug. Physical contact makes all the difference.