Maintaining Your Mental Health as a Student

It’s no secret that Beth Tfiloh is frequently a stressful environment. The long hours, dual curriculum, and high standards all contribute to a heightened sense of stress and anxiety. These factors make it vital to take care of your mental health.


Rachel H., Editor-in-Chief

It’s no secret that Beth Tfiloh is frequently a stressful environment. The long hours, dual curriculum, and high standards all contribute to a heightened sense of stress and anxiety. These factors make it vital to take care of your mental health. I know that by now we have all heard the tips to drink more water, stay organized, and get enough sleep. Therefore, I sat down with mental health professional Dr. Hudi Schorr to gain insight on managing mental health as a student.

As students, it is important for us to gain control over our mental health. While in school, our responsibilities are set for us; we know where we need to be and when. Dr. Schorr compared life to a video game “where each level gets progressively harder.” In this scenario, school would be considered an easier level since our deadlines and responsibilities are set for us. “G[aining] control of your mental health now when things are less ambiguous will only set you up for greater success when the playing field gets harder,” Dr. Schorr expanded. Taking care of your mental health will enable you to perform at your best both physically and emotionally. 

In addition to doing your best to sleep enough, eat healthy, and stay hydrated, Dr. Schorr explained that the best practice for maintaining your mental health is awareness, and “if you notice what stresses you out and calms you down, you will have the ability to manage stressful situations.” It is also imperative to remember that at BT, resources are in place to support you in and out of the classroom. Reach out to a teacher, Mrs. Sullivan, or another trusted adult and advocate for your own wellbeing.

While stress is unavoidable in life, you can gather tools to manage it. Create habits that calm you down and relieve stress. Maybe take your dog for a walk or do some yoga. Perhaps watching a movie allows you to reset. The most important thing is finding things that make you happy and to remember that your mental health matters.