Interview: Environmental Club

January 15, 2023
This year, BT has a new club: the Environmental Club. This club seeks to generate environmental change within BT and in the world. I interviewed the co-head of the environmental club, George B. ‘25, who shared insights about the unique club.
George decided to co-head the club because “no one really wanted to do it and… [he] thought it might be something worthwhile.” He also wanted to influence the Environmental Club’s direction and initiatives.
When asked about the Environmental Club’s goal, George replied that their “goal is to make some level of an impact on greater society… through environmental change.” They wish to assist with environmental issues that plague the planet by “gardening and doing [their] own work or rallying and supporting groups who can do it”. With regard to the Environmental Club’s plans for change within BT, they hope “to build a garden and start composting.” On November 21st, a compost bin was set up in the kitchen. The Environmental Club already possesses a plot near BT on which they plan to begin gardening as soon as they are cleared to by the administration.
Aside from activities within BT, “over the summer [the Environmental Club] built a garden with Temple X” and helped them run a summer program for kids. In addition to this, they “helped [Temple X] set up QR codes, and you can scan them and it will tell you what the plants are and how you can take care of them.” The Environmental Club is also planning a dress down day to fundraise for Clean Air Task Force, an organization which advocates for policies that reduce carbon emissions. These can include policies to implement more electrical energy as opposed to carbon-emitting energy; reduce carbon emissions generated by vehicles; institute zero-carbon energy sources; and enable infrastructure to support these energy sources (“Clean Air Task Force”).
Lastly, the Environmental Club organized “an activity every Wednesday during SWAP that people can join where they go with Dr. A and help garden.” Personally, I have participated in this activity for the last two weeks. Participants go to Stillmeadow Peace Park and help the Stillmeadow Community Fellowship Church prepare a ten-acre plot of land for Baltimore city students to learn through nature and have outdoor experiences. I found this community service activity very fun and rewarding.
The Environmental Club wishes to impact the greater environment as well as the environment of BT. With these initiatives, they hope to set BT on track to becoming an environmentally conscious school.
“Clean Air Task Force” Clean Air Task Force, Accessed 10 Nov. 2022.