Anna’s Book Club
A non-BT-based organization, Anna’s book club is completely student-run and student-based.

February 26, 2021
In the following interview, Senior, Anna A explains the basis of her book club. A non-BT-based organization, Anna’s book club is completely student-run and student-based. The group focuses on reading the “classics” in hopes of prepping for college.
- What inspired you to start your book club? As I thought about my upcoming college career, I felt it necessary that I go into my higher education with some sort of familiarity with the classics. I didn’t want to seem uncultured or behind on my exposure to some of history’s most prized literary works compared to my classmates.
- How did you go about cultivating the club? After explaining this insecurity to some of my classmates, I realized that I was not alone in this feeling. Many students felt nervous about not having read works from important authors like Dickens and Bronte. Some also expressed that they felt too overwhelmed to begin on their own. So, I started the book club. I first reached out to a small pool of friends, who I know enjoy reading, and asked them to network with others. I reached out to some friends from Annapolis High School, who are also avid readers, and they told their friends. Now, we meet regularly and are deep into the world of Jane Eyre. It’s exciting to see how my small thought turned into something so real and efficient.
- What is some advice you could give to young students who want to create a similar club? When I first broached the idea with some of my friends, I was nervous it wasn’t going to spark. I know a lot of people are busy and I didn’t know if it was going to work. But then, when I explained how I thought the club would really benefit all of us, they received the idea with open arms. My advice is to just start small. Tell a few friends what you’re thinking and ask if they’d be willing to spread the word.
- Do you think BT should be doing more to enforce reading these “classics?” I think BT does an excellent job exposing its students to literature. There just isn’t enough time in the day or the year to incorporate lots of these works into the curriculum. I think the best part of BT’s English curriculum is their teaching of HOW to read. Learning to analyze literature and all of its nuances is an extremely powerful skill that allows book clubs to be so successful. Because of our backgrounds in understanding styles and themes, we can hold thoughtful and meaningful discussions about different books.
- Is there anything else you would like to add? I think everyone should make an effort to read more. I know it’s high school and things are busy, but joining or starting a book club will hold you accountable, and it will be so worth it once you are approaching college.
If you have any questions about the book club, feel free to reach out to Anna!