Israel Prepares For Their Fourth Election in Under a Year

Israel moves to a fourth election in hopes of forming a strong and long-lasting coalition.

Shira K., Layout Editor

We all can remember the excitement of the three Israeli elections last year. In our Hebrew classes, we enjoyed learning about the different political parties in Israel and the two candidates for Prime Minister. However, if you thought the excitement was over with the third election, hold onto your hats. A fourth election in Israel will take place on March 23, 2021. 

            Since neither political party, Likud nor Blue and White, were able to form a coalition in the first three elections, we assumed that they had joined forces. This meant that Benjamin Netanyahu would be Prime Minister for a period of time, and then Benny Ganz would as well. This plan lasted for seven months. Then, with the collapse of the government, Israelis began to question the strength of their democratic system. 

            So, how did this collapse come about, and why is Israel engaging in yet another election.  In 2020, Benyamin Netanyahu refused to pass a state budget for 2020 by the designated deadline. This violated his concrete coalition with Benny Ganz. Therefore, since there is no longer a coalition in Israel, all parties must fight to form another coalition for the March 2021 election. 

            Additionally, as Benyamin Netanyahu faces possible prosecution, this election is especially important for him. Forming a more sympathetic coalition may help Netanyahu’s chances of freedom and allow him to stay in the good graces of the Israeli government. 

            Will Netanyahu be able to form a coalition, or will Likud’s reign over Israel and Blue and White’s proceed? We will find out soon enough in March. May the best party win!