Emoji Puzzle
Solve this emoji puzzle following the steps provided!

January 18, 2021
Solve this emoji puzzle following the steps provided:
🐝🐘🐢🦛 🐯🦩🦎🐆🐙🐹: use the first letter of each animal to solve the word
💤🔮⏱Ⓜ️: use the shape of each emoji to solve the word
👩🏻🎤🧑🎨🚣♂️🏎👨🏫👩🔬: use the first letter of each emoji’s occupations or objects
🤒😎😋😱😮🥰: use the emotion or emoji shape to solve the word
👩🍳🍊👰♀️❗️🐶: for this one, use your creativity. hint: the first letter or emoji shape solves this puzzle
Answer key:
- Beth Tfiloh
- Zoom
- Sports
- School