Why All Tests & Quizzes Should Be Open Note
Have you always wanted your tests and quizzes to be open note? So have we.

December 11, 2020
Let’s start with why quizzes and tests were made closed-note. Back in the olden days, people had to go to the library in order to look up information. Imagine having a question and needing to look through dozens of books to find the answer. So, we can see the need for memorization as remembering information for a test forgoes the tedious library process.
Nowadays, we have this marvelous invention, the Internet. Instead of wasting time in the library to find information, you can locate it with a quick Google search. This convenience leads one to wonder, if we have access to the internet, why do we need to retain all this data?
Some may argue that memorization strengthens the mind, which is true. However, cramming information into one’s brain may cause them to forget the information after the test’s conclusion which does not seem very helpful to me.
I propose that students should be taught to utilize their resources and research accordingly rather than studying the material. We are taught this to an extent as seen through research papers and projects. Yet, this should be applied to tests and quizzes.
When in your life will you ever be faced with a scenario which requires you to recall exact dates, events, or formulas without the use of the Internet? While this may sound like an anti-school article, it’s not.
The purpose of school is to teach you how to learn and broaden your perspectives. To determine the comprehension of material, tests could be made more suitable by making them open note. For example, they can include more short answer and essay-type questions. I believe that it is more important to grasp an overall concept than a detail.
Since the 19th century, the school system has remained the same and I believe the time has come for a change.
Raymond Szparagowski • Feb 3, 2021 at 7:04 pm
Memory is an important skill worth developing, but I agree that we can focus on other skills that will better prepare students for the real work. Skills such as: problem solving, anaylzing and interpreting information, collaboration, and communication.
I some of my classes I give formula sheets, but only when I believe it is necessary.
Diana F. • Jan 8, 2021 at 6:33 pm
So, are you suggesting that if a surgeon doesn’t memorize where a particular artery is, he/she Googles during surgery?
( I like this newspaper & think it’s great that others can respond! )
Isabelle A • Jan 10, 2021 at 10:05 am
Of course, when looking at life or death scenarios, memorization is important. However, in high school, we are not learning to face these types of scenarios. Searching up the date of a war for a history test differs from surgery.