Interview with Shira K. ’22

April 28, 2022
As the 2022 school year comes to an end, the seniors leave, including Kol BT’s Editor-in-Chief, Shira Kramer ‘22. In an interview, Shira related her experience in the Newspaper for the past four years.
Starting at an early age, Shira found her love for journalism when she joined the BT middle school newspaper. As an eighth grader, she rose to the position of Editor-in-Chief for the first time. This led to her joining Kol BT where she started as a writer, then layout editor, and eventually Editor-in-Chief in her senior year. She plans to continue on the journalism track in college as a journalism major. However, Shira is taking a gap year to go to Sha’alvim for Women, a seminary in Israel.
Her favorite article she wrote was in her sophomore year where she interviewed the former seniors. When speaking to them about their experience, she heard advice that she applied for the rest of her high school experience. Being a part of the Newspaper has taught her many important skills, such as the importance of teamwork. She states that, “you may think that you can do something by yourself, but even if you can, it’s good to include others.”
Shira has not only learned a lot from being on the Newspaper, but she also developed one of Kol BT’s most considerable changes. When everyone was forced online by the COVID-19 pandemic, she realized that printed newspapers would not work. So, while in quarantine, she taught herself how to create a website despite feeling that she “is not tech savvy.” Now, the Newspaper is completely online which would not have occurred without Shira’s brilliance.
When asked how Kol BT affected her life, she explained that it “has given [her] opportunities she wouldn’t have had otherwise.” Mr. Jacobs and Dr. Rubin, the teacher-heads of the Newspaper, served as incredible role models to her and she is thankful for the opportunities to ask them about writing and anything else she had questions on. In addition, her experience as part of the school newspaper led to her eventual internship at the Baltimore Jewish Times where she now works as a writer.
What she will miss the most is the Kol BT family. Though sad that she is leaving, she says she will be watching and supporting the newspaper in the coming years. She has faith in the future as she “is excited for Lindsay Buckner ‘23 and Isabelle Alperovich ‘23 to continue leading and creating success for Kol BT and the rest of the staff.”
We all thank you, Shira, for your kind words and dedication to Kol BT, you will be missed by all of us.